6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium, Karnataka Social Science Textbook Solutions Answers Guide

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6ನೇ ತರಗತಿ ಸಮಾಜ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಪಾಠಗಳ ನೋಟ್ಸ್‌ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೋತ್ತರಗಳು, 6th Standard Social Science Notes‌ Question Answers Pdf Download in  Medium For Class 6 Social Science Notes in  6th Standard Social Notes 6th Standard Samaja Notes 6th Class Social Science Notes Class 6 Social Science Notes 6th Standard Social Notes Social Science 6th Standard Notes 6 Std Social Science Notes 6th Standard Samaj Vigyan Question Answer 2024

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus

Some dynasty of North India

Discuss in groups and answer

1 Name the prominent ruler of Karkota Dynasty?

Lalithaditya was the prominent ruler of Karkota Dynasty

2 State the character of the Rajputs.

The Rajputs were distinctive in their character. The traditional values of protecting the orphans, the weak, the women and the cows were dear to them. Defending those who sought protection was considered their bounden duty. They sought inspiration from the songs composed over the heroic deeds of their ancestors.

The Rajput women were known for their valour and self-respect. When men died fighting in the war, their widows collectively ended their lives in order to escape being disgraced by the enemies. This practice is known as jauhar.

3 Name any three famous structures of the Rajput Age. Where are they located?

Following are some of the notable structures built by Rajput.

1. Kandariya Mahadeva temple at Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh)

2.Dilwara temples, Mount Abu (Rajasthan)

3. Sun temple, Konarak

4 Name the poets who composed Prithviraj Raso and Gita Govinda.

1. Chand Bardai wrote Prithviraj Raso

2.Jayadeva  wrote Gita Govinda,

5 Write a note on Prithviraj Chauhan?

Prithviraj III was the well-known ruler among the Chauhans. Delhi was his capital city.

Prithviraj Chauhan married Samyukta, the beautiful daughter of Jayachandra, the king of Kannauj.

When Muhammad Ghori invaded India, Prithviraj opposed him.  In the battle that took place Prithviraj defeated Muhammad Ghori. But he granted him mercy and let him off. Next year Muhammad Ghori challenged Prithviraj. In the second battle that ensued Prithiviraj was defeated. At this hour of crisis, Prithviraj mounted his horse and tried to escape. However, he was captured by the enemy soldiers. Muhammad Ghori ordered him to be killed.

6 Who was Bappa Rawal?

Khommana, a ruler of the Guhilas dynasty, Was known as Bappa Rawal.

7 Write a short note on Rana Samgrama Simha.

The well-known ruler among the Guhilas was Rana Sanga or Rana Samgrama Simha. A hero of a hundred battles, he had 80 scars of war on his body. He constantly fought against the sultans of Delhi.

8 Write a note on the social conditions during the Rajput Age.

There were several social classes in society. These were based on hereditary professions.
• Women were held in high esteem. They were cultured and they studied literature, Sanskrit language, dance, music, painting and embroidery work.
• Rajputs undertook pilgrimages to holy places and bathed in holy rivers. Pushkar, the centre of worship of Brahma near ajmer, was an important place of pilgrimage. A huge annual fair and festival was being held at Pushkar, and it continues even now.

9 Who was the prominent ruler of Ahom Dynasty?

Suhungmung was the prominent ruler of Ahom Dynasty.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What were the results of Mahmud Ghazni’s invasions?

He invaded India for seventeen times, looting and destroying prosperous cities and wealthy temples. Among such temples included Sri Krishna temple at Mathura (Uttar Pradesh) and the rich and sacred temple of Somanath (Gujarat).The attacks also led to the decline of the Hindu kingdoms in the region and paved the way for the Muslim invasions and the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.

2 What were the achievements of Muhammad Ghori?

During the last quarter of the 12th century Muhammad Ghori, who was ruling a kingdom in Afghanistan, invaded India and secured the provinces of Sindh and Punjab.  Further he came to India to conquer Delhi and Ajmer. At first he was defeated by the king Prithviraj Chauhan, but the next time he won and ordered to kill the king Prithviraj Chauhan.  Delhi came under the control of Muhammad Ghori. Before returning to Afghanistan he transferred the conquered territories to his general by name Qutbuddin Aibak.

3 State the achievements of Qutbuddin Aibak.

Qutbuddin was the first sultan of Delhi. He had originally been a slave and hence the dynasty founded by him is known as the ‘Slave’ dynasty. He strengthened the Turkish rule in India by defeating his enemies. To mark his victory he started constructing Qutb Minar at Mehrauli near Delhi.

4 State the policies of Alauddin Khalji and their results.

Policies: Alauddin introduced several reforms in administrative, military and economic fields. He regulated the price of goods commonly consumed. He banned consumption of liquor and gambling in Delhi. The guilty were severely punished.

As a result the whole country India came under the control of Alauddin. There was a Flow of wealth into Delhi.But His last days were  very tragic. his whole slave Mallikafur killed him in the greed of power.

5 Why did the policies of Muhammad bin Tughlaq fail?

the policies of Muhammad bin Tughlaq failed because, Lacking practical sense,he took decisions in haste. He could be easily enraged. He was a man of strange character.

In his first policy he announced that the capital city is changed delhi to devgiri. Ok but then he ordered to move people from Delhi to devgiri. This is a false decision. People suffered much and so many died.

In his second policy he introduced copper coins instead of silver coins. This led to financial crisis. People got into the revolt. And the king died in reducing it.

6 What were the social and economic conditions during the rule of the Sultans of Delhi?

Land revenue was very high, and collected by sultans mercilessly. Weaving is the main occupation of people. Kings taken huge number of people as their slaves.

The sultans, however, had to face frequent revolts of the local rulers, and were always fearful of losing power.

7 What were the contributions of the Delhi Sultans to architecture and literature?

The main structures built by the sultans were the famous Qutb Minar (17 m tall), Alai Darwaza, an impressive entrance, Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque and the fort of Siri. All these are in Delhi.

During the sultanate period, the Urdu language evolved. Amir Khusrau and Amir Hasan were great Persian poets of the period.
The poet Jayasi wrote Padmavat in Urdu which was a sufi poem. Ramananda, Kabirdas, Raidas and Meerabai belonged to this period.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


 What were the reforms made by Shankaracharya?

Shankaracharya’s reforms

Shankaracharya condemned certain orthodox practices prevalent in his times and reformed them. He established four monasteries (mathas) at Badari (Uttarakhand), Dwaraka (Gujarat), Puri (Odisha) and Sringeri (Karnataka). These served as Dharmic centres for uniting Indians.He propounded Advaita philosophy.

2 What were the social reforms made by Ramanujacharya?

Reforms of Ramanujacharya
• Ramanuja condemned casteism.
• Ramanujacharya was responsible for building several grand temples in south India including a few at Melukote (Mandya district).

3 What are the teachings of Basaveshvara?

Reforms of Basaveshvara

• Basaveshvara aimed at building the society on a casteless basis. • ‘Work is Worship’ (Kayakave Kailasa) was one of his important teachings.
• Basaveshvara condemned caste system, idol worship and yajna-yagas. By stating that one’s body itself was the temple, he stopped exploitation by the temple priests.
• By upholding the greatness of women, he gave self-confidence to womanhood which had lost its voice.
• Basaveshvara started an assembly known as Anubhava Mantapa which served as a forum for the sharanas.
• Basavesvara composed more than a thousand vachanas which conclude with the refrain Kudalasangamadeva.

4 State the importance of vachana literature. Name some vachanakaras.

The vachana is a distinct literary form. The vachanas are such that they may be read like prose or sung like poems.The teachings of the vachanas were relevant even today present.

some vachanakaras :-Basaveshvara, Jedara Dasimayya, Allamaprabhu, Chenna Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi and others.

5 What are the contributions of Madhvacharya?

Reforms of Madhvacharya
Sri Madhvacharya
• Madhvacharya composed many works in Sanskrit relating to Madhva philosophy.
• He appointed eight of his disciples to perform regular  pujas of Lord Sri Krishna at Udupi. Eight Mathas were later  established.
• He preached the simple path of Bhakti.

6 What did the Bhakti saints preach?

The saints preached the path of bhakti or devotion towards God. They brought about social harmony and encouraged the people to walk the right path. They also exposed the social ills.

The Sufi saints proclaimed that religion meant love of all and service to mankind. They maintained that there is only one God, not many.

7 What are the songs of Guru Nanak called?

the songs of Guru Nanak called Japji.

8 Who are the leading Sufi saints of India?

Baba Budan, Budan-al-din( The sufi saint of Bijapur), Biya(women sufi), Nizamuddin Auliya , Bandenawaz, Moyinuddin Chisti.

9 State the influence of the Bhakti Movement.

The influence of Bhakti Movement
• The Bhakti saints were responsible for creating harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims.
• The Bhakti saints composed literature in the local languages. As a result, Indian languages were enriched.

10 What was the path preached by the saints?

The saints preached the path of bhakti or devotion towards God. They believed that Bhakti is the only way to earn His mercy. This approach to God is known as the Bhakti cult.

11 Which is the holy book of the Sikhs?

The Granth Sahib is the holy book of the Sikhs.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer.

1 Which is the famous historical building in Bidar?

The Madarasa of Gavan, Bidar.

2 Who was Mahamud Gavan?

Mahamud Gavan was the prime minister of Mahamud III. He achieved greater fame than the Bahmani sultans. Coming from a Persian background, he served selflessly.

3 Where is Solahkhamb mosque located?

Solahkhamb mosque is located in Bidar.

4 Who was the greatest among the Adil Shahi rulers?

‘II Ibrahim’ was the greatest among the Adil Shahi rulers

5 Which structure of the Adil Shahis is referred to as the Taj Mahal of the Deccan?

Ibrahim roza in vijayapura of the Adil Shahis is referred to as the Taj Mahal of the Deccan.

6 Why is Gol Gumbaz famous?

Mohamud  constructed Gol Gumbaz around a tomb. At the centre of the structure is a huge dome. Inside the dome is the ‘whispering gallery’. Modern architects have been astonished at the ability of the dome to repeat the ‘whispers’. The Gol Gumbaz is the fourth largest structure in the world and the largest in India. It is one of the architectural wonders of the world.

7 Who was the greatest king of the Sangama dynasty?

The  Proudhadevaraya, was the greatest king of the Sangama dynasty.

8 Who was the greatest emperor of Vijayanagara?

Krishnadevaraya was the greatest emperor of Vijayanagara.

9 Which are the important temples of Hampi?

Hazara Ramaswami temple, Vijaya Vittalaswami temple, Krishnaswami temple and the Achyutaraya temple.

10 What is the name of Kumaravyasa’s work?

Kumaravyasa wrote Karnata Bharata Katha Manjari.

11 Name the works of Krishnadevaraya.

Krishnadevaraya composed Amukta Malyada in Telugu and Jambavati Kalyana in Sanskrit. His title was Kannada-rajya-ramaramana.

12 Give the name of the Persian ambassador who visited Vijayanagara. What did he say about Vijayanagara?

The Persian (Iran) ambassador, Abdul Razak, who had visited the capital. About Vijayanagara, he exclaimed: “The eyes have not seen nor the ears heard about another glorious city like Vijayanagara!”

13 Name the foreigners who visited Vijayanagara.

The Portuguese traveller, ‘Domingo Paes’, and the Persian (Iran) ambassador, ‘Abdul Razak’ are the foreigners who visited Vijayanagara.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 Who is the famous Rana of Mewad who opposed Akbar?

Rana Pratap Simha of Mewad opposed Akbar .

2 Which emperor got Fatehpur Sikri constructed?

Akbar constructed Fatehpur Sikri.

3 Who is Tansen?

Tansen was the immortal singer in the king Akbar’s court.

4 Who wrote Ramacharitamanas?

Tulsidas wrote Ramacharitamanas.

5 Mention one of the causes for the decline of the Mughal empire.

The one of the reasons for the decline of the Mughal empire is:
• Intense fighting took place among the claimants to the throne.

6 Where was Shivaji born?
Shivaji was born in the hill-fort of Shivner near Pune (Maharashtra).

7 How did Jija Bai mould the future of Shivaji?

 Jija Bai infused in Shivaji’s mind in his childhood the ideals of Dharma and patriotism by narrating inspiring stories from the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Puranas and kavyas.

8 Why did the Bijapur sultan hate Shivaji?

 At the age of 19, Shivaji  captured the fort of Torana which was under the Adil Shahis.
Soon he captured Raigad, Simhagad, Pratapgad and other forts one by one. by this , the Vijayapura sultan enraged and hated Shivaji.

9 Who was Shayista Khan? What was the result of his conflict with Shivaji?

Mugal Sultan aurangazeb instructed
Shayista Khan, his governor in the Deccan, to suppress Shivaji.However, he was repulsed by Shivaji. In the attack the Khan lost his thumb and barely escaped from Pune with his life.

10 Where was the coronation of Shivaji held? What was the title he assumed on the occasion?

The coronation of Shivaji held at Raigad. He assumed the title Chhatrapati.

11 Write a note on the forts of Shivaji.

The forts were the excellent places of shelter for the guerillas. Out of 240 forts under his command, 111 forts were built by him.

12 What are the qualities you appreciate in Shivaji?

I appreciate shivaji’s cleverness in the battles.He was an expert in guerilla warfare. In brief, Shivaji was an  ideal ruler.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What is meant by Directive Principles of State Policy?

In order to achieve the ideal of a Welfare State, the Indian Constitution has specified certain principles. They serve as guidelines to the State to frame policies. These principles are known as Directive Principles of State Policy.

2 What are the directions given by the Constitution to the State towards women and child welfare?

equal pay for equal work; maternity relief to women; protecting children from exploitation and providing opportunities for their healthy development; and giving free and compulsory primary education.

3 Why did the Directive Principles enjoin the State to prevent the slaughter of cattle?

“The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle” states The Directive principle of The constitution.

4 What is the need for a Uniform Civil Code for the citizens?

To provide all the facilities for all, to provide justice for all, to provide protection for all, there is the need for a Uniform Civil Code for the

5 Why did the Directive Principles enjoin the State to prohibit consumption of liquor and intoxicating drugs?

The consumption of liquor affects the health. It destroys the economic conditions  of the family especially of the poor and leads to the exploitation of women. Hence the State has been directed to prohibit the consumption of liquor.


1 Social Justice to the weak.

Old people patients women and children are week in society. Poor people backward class people hunt suppressed group of people in the society are also weak in the society. Government has to help these people and has to provide social justice to these people. Special concern is to be given for the women and children. In human treatment on the week people should be punished. And our law in India and the judicial system in India has many opportunities to punish those ill treaters. This system of India has given all the people in the country to have a equal facilities.

2 Prohibition of consumption of liquor.

Prohibition of consumption of liquor if it is possible by government then most of people’s health becomes better. Most of people families economically becomes strong. Exploitation on women will come to an end. So Central Government and state government should have to decide the prohibition of the consumption of liquor.

3 Protection of places of historical importance.

Government has to take measures to protect historical places or give it to private sectors.  If not done the historical places will ruin. And the historical monuments become damaged.

4 What are the steps to be taken to implement the right
to education effectively?

Most of the people care about there children’s education. But some poor people and backward class people do not care about their children because of their poverty and ignorance. Government and the leaders of the society has to look after the children to educate them. Local bodies like Panchayat also and private social welfare organisations should also help to this point.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What is meant by Fundamental Rights?

Fundamental Rights are those rights specified as well as protected by the Constitution. These Rights cannot be violated by anybody. These are compulsory privileges given to the citizens.

2 Why should we voluntarily perform Fundamental

For the progress of the country, all citizens should voluntarily perform the Fundamental Duties.

3 What is meant by Right to Equality?

The Right to equality guarantees that all citizens should be treated as equals irrespective of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

4 How does the social and economic exploitation take place? Give examples.

both giving and receiving dowry is punishable under the law; the system of bonded labour is considered as a form of forced labour, and has been prohibited; employment of children in mining, manufacture of beedi and fire-works and such other dangerous occupations are prohibited. Education to the children upto the age of fourteen is made compulsory.

5 State any three Fundamental Duties of Citizens.

1 To respect the Constitution, National Flag and National Anthem.
2 To follow the noble ideals which inspired our National Struggle for Freedom.
3 To protect the integrity of India.

1 Importance of Fundamental Rights.

For the growth of individuals and the progress of the country, certain freedoms and fundamental rights are inevitable.

Basic needs of all the citizens are the rights of those citizens. If these rights or full filled then a country also progressed. Citizens will be happy and they grow economically.

2 The duties to be performed by the students in the

Mainly students must listen to their teachers. The main aim is to study well. They must be perform discipline. Cleanliness in their clothes and must obey the teachers. They should wear uniform clothes. They should participate in educational and cultural and sport activities. They should come to class in time and has to be perform the activities in time.

3 Right to information.

The Right to Information (RTI) is an act of the Parliament of India & Delhi Legislative Assembly which sets out the rules and procedures regarding citizens’ right to access information.

Under the provisions of RTI Act, any citizen of India may request information from a “public authority” which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. In case of the matter involving a petitioner’s life and liberty, the information has to be provided within 48 hours.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What is meant by Unity in Diversity?

A community of people believing in different languages, cultures and religions living together in harmony under one roof or state or country is called ‘unity in diversity’.

2 What are the factors which promote national unity?

1. cultural awareness among us that we are all  one.
2. national language. Sanskrit was the Indian language and is supported to all local languages. But now a days Hindi is our language overall India this language LED us to feel among ourselves that we are one.

3. ‘Live and let live’ is the motto of the Indians. There is no intolerance about any religion.

3 What are the factors which threaten national unity?

1.  Casteism: Casteism is considering one’s caste superior to others and opposing other castes.

2.  Communalism: Communalism is a conviction that one’s
religion is superior to all others and fighting for one’s religion.By preventing people of different religions from coming together, communalism retards national progress.

3. Regionalism: Regionalism is another threat to national integration. The individuals’ concern for and loyalty towards their own region and narrow-mindedness is called regionalism.

What are the measures that may be taken to promote national integration?

Facilities should be provided to all the Indians despite of the religion the region there status. The law must be one for all the citizens. Government should avoid corruption. Government should find out needy people and must help them.  and should improve all the citizens. Government should pass strict law who threats national integration.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What does the white colour in our National Flag symbolize?

White stands for truth, peace and purity.

2 What is the significance of the writing below our National Emblem?

below our National Emblem are inscribed the words Satyameva Jayate (Truth alone triumphs) from Mundaka Upanishad in Devanagari script.
An emblem seeks to give  a moral code of the strength in truth………

3 Who composed our National Song?

our National Anthem was composed by Rabindranath Tagore in 1911 in Bengali language.

4 What are the guidelines given in the of Flag Code?

Guidelines given in the of Flag Code are
• The flag should not be dirty or torn.
• When hoisting the flag, care should be taken to ensure that saffron color is at the top.
• No other flag should fly higher than the National Flag.
• The flag should be hoisted upto the top of the flag pole.
• The National Flag should be hoisted after sunrise, and should be lowered before sunset, and thereafter kept folded.
• The flag should be flown at half-mast at the time of national mourning.
• The flag should be held in the right hand while marching.
• The flag should not touch the ground.

5 Which are our National Festivals?

our National Festivals are Republic day, Independence day, Gandhi jayanti, Ambedkar jayanti,

6 Name some of the important days of public celebration.

Teachers day, youth day,children’s day.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 ‘Asia is a land of contrasts’. Why?

Asia is the largest of all the continents.
Hence it has the greatest variety in terms of physical features, climate, vegetation, wild life, soils, etc.  There is diversity in languages, religions, uneven distribution of population and density. That is why it is often called a ‘‘land of contrasts’’.

2 What is the physical setting of Asia?

The continent of Asia is bounded by oceans on three sides and by land on one side. It is bounded by the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Indian Ocean in the south. The border between Asia and Europe is traditionally drawn as a zig zag line passing down the spine of the Ural mountains, and through the Caspian Sea, Caucasus mountain and the Black Sea.

3 Which are the major physical divisions of Asia?

On the basis of structure and relief features, Asia can be divided into five major physical divisions.
1 The North-Western Lowlands.
2 The Central Highlands.
3 The Southern Plateaus.
4 The Great Plains of Rivers.
5 The Island Groups.

4 Which are the highest mountains and plateaus in Asia?

Mt. Everest, in the Himalayas, is the highest peak in Asia and the world.plateau Tibet is the highest plateau in Asia and the world.

5 In which season are the rains plentiful in Asia?

In summer(Southwest monsoons) season are the rains plentiful in Asia.

6 Which are the major staple food crops of Asia?

Rice and wheat are the chief staple food crops of Asia.

7 Which is the most important fossil fuel in Asia?

Petroleum is the most important fossil fuel in Asia.

8 Which parts of Asia are very sparsely populated? Why?

The sparsely populated areas includes the northern and eastern parts of Siberia which are very cold, the deserts of Arabia, Iran and Thar in India (too dry) and the highlands of Central Asia.

9 What are the industrial regions of Japan?

Japan: There are four major industrial regions in Japan.
1 The Keihin Region is the greatest industrial region of Japan. It includes Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama cities. The important industries are textiles, engineering, shipbuilding, paper and cement.
2 The Hanshin Region includes Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto. It is dominated by textiles.
3 The Ise Bay Region spreads around Nogoya city and is dominated by textiles and engineering industries.
4 The Kita Kyushu Region includes Yawata, Kokura and Moji. The industries are steel, ship-building, machinery, chemicals and textiles.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer

1 What is the geographical location of Europe?

Europe lies between 10° West and 60° East longitude and from 36° North to 72° North latitude.

2 ‘Europe is known as a Peninsula of Asia’. Why?

Europe is a large peninsula of the Asiatic land mass. It has numerous peninsulas, such as the Scandinavian, the Iberian, the Jutland, the Balkan Peninsula, etc. Thus, very often Europe is known as the ‘Peninsula of Peninsulas’.

3 Name the physiographic divisions of Europe.

On the basis of topography the continent of Europe is
generally divided into four major divisions. They are –
1 The Northwestern Highlands.
2 The North European Plains.
3 The Central Uplands.
4 The Southern Mountains.
4 Mention the names of important mountains and peaks in Europe.

The highest point of Europe is
Mount Elbrus
Mt. Elbrus (5633 mt.) in the
Caucasus mountain.Goldho Piggen (2469 m) in Norway is the highest peak in Northern Europe. The Ben Nevis (1343m) in Scotland and Snowdon (1085 m) in Wales are the other peaks.The Southern Mountains: the famous Alps,Mount Blanc is the highest peak (4807 m) in the Alps. Ural mountains.Caucasus mountains.

5 What are the major climatic regions of Europe?

Europe can be divided into four climatic regions:
1. Maritime Northwest Europe: This climatic region extends from the coast of Norway to northern Spain and inland towards Central Europe. The mild winters, cool summers, and ample rainfall, cloudy and foggy days are the main characteristics of this type of climate.

2 Continental Climate: This climate mainly prevails in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. This climate is characterized by cold winters and warm summers (-12° C and 10° C)

3 Mediterranean climate: This type of climate is characterized by hot, dry, sunny summers and mild winters with some rain.

4 Mountainous Climate: The Alps and Caucasus mountains have this type of climate.

6 Mention the major types of natural vegetation of Europe.

There are six types of vegetation in Europe  as given below.

1Tundra vegetation consists of lichens and mosses. It occupies a narrow zone in Iceland and northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland.

2Taiga forests is also called Coniferous forests. It occurs mainly in high latitudes, covering Norway, Sweden and Finland.

3 Mixed forests are found in the south central regions.

4 Mediterranean vegetation is common along the Mediterranean Sea coast. This is broad leaf evergreen type.

5 Grasslands are found in the areas south of the deciduous forests, e.g. in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and European Russia.

Alpine vegetation covers the highlands of Southern Europe such as the Alps, Pyrenees, Balkan, Carpathian and the Dinaric mountains.

7 Name the countries which are famous for dairying in Europe.

Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and Britain.

8 What are the staple food crops of Europe?

Wheat is the important staple food crop of Europe. Maize is the second major cereal crop of Europe. Rye is another food crop,Rice is grown to a small extent as a summer crop.Europe is an important producer of barley.

9 Mention the major fishing grounds in Europe.

s. The main fishing grounds are near North-West Europe. The most intensively fishing region is the North Sea and the countries include Norway, Britain, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The two most famous fishing grounds of the North Sea are the Dogger Bank and the
Great Fisher Bank

10 Mention the important minerals in Europe.

Iron ore, copper., coal, the bauxite and potash.

6th standard social science part 2 notes  in english medium karnataka state syllabus


Discuss in groups and answer
1 Why was Africa called the Dark Continent?

Africa was called ‘dark continent’,  but because of the obstacles to explorate its interior.

2 Africa is known as the Central Continent. Why?

It is very
interesting to note that the Equator almost passes through the centre of Africa. Hence, it is known as ‘the Central Continent’.

3 What is Isthmus?

A narrow strip of land joining two large landmasses is called ‘Isthmus’

4 Name the basins of Africa.

There are five important basins in Africa.
1 The Sudan basin.
2 The Chad basin
3 The Djouf basin
4 The Congo (Zaire) basin.
5 The Kalahari basin

5 Which is the highest peak of Africa?

The highest point of Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro.

6 Mention the types of natural vegetation of Africa.

natural vegetation of Africa

Equatorial rain forest

Monsoon forest
Savanna grassland
Veld grassland
Mediterranean vegetation
Mountain vegetation
Desert vegetation
Semi-desert vegetation
No vegetation

7 Which is the longest river of Africa?

The Nile is the longest river in Africa and the world with a length of 6,650 km.

8 Name the important food crops of Africa.

Major staple food crops Maize, millets, rice, cassava, sweet potato, peanuts and starch.

9 Which African countries are rich in diamond reserves?

Botswana, Zaire and South Africa are the
producers. The other leading producers of diamond are Angola, Namibia and Ghana.

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